University of Tennessee

Welcome to the home site of Sigma Chi Beta Sigma chapter at the University of Tennessee. Sigma Chi was installed at UT in 1917 and after a 4 year absence, will return in the Fall of 2020. If you have any pictures or information you would like to share, please go to our contact page and send us an email. We look forward to having you visit the house.
Fall 2020
It has been a long and tedious process as we work to return the Sigma Chi charter to the UT campus. Officers are completing final phase reports before sending them to nationals for approval. Our main goal is to get initiated with the current senior class, as they have shown strong leadership serving in many capacities and leading by example. It looks as though we will make this happen and be initiated towards the end of the semester after nationals approve our Charter submission. The Executive Board and other leadership positions had elections in December of 2020. Transition meetings have already taken place, and the new Executive Committee is in full swing, led by President Corbin Smith and Vice President Trey Ridnour. Looking back, the road has been long and winding as COVID has altered how we interact every day. Through our leadership’s ability to adapt, Chapter has taken place on Zoom, and we have never lost sight of obtaining our Charter. We cannot thank our alumni enough for the support, guidance, and trust you have placed with us with initiation in reach.
Another Successful Rush: Spring 2021
Rush this spring was overwhelmingly successful. As you know, fewer PNMs are rushing each spring than in the fall. Overall, we had about 62 PNMs that were interested in joining our colony. Under the Leadership of Rush Chairman Ben Skvara, we extended 23 bids with a 96% acceptance rate. The Pledge class consists of 22 men who begin the Preparation for Brotherhood process under Magister Jackson Higley. These men will be a great addition to the colony and bring our numbers up to 144 from 122.
For all that we have done, our colony has received two prestigious awards, and all received within a year of colony establishment:
Noticed as a Blue-Ribbon Colony
Varela Award for the most outstanding colony
Awarded with highest overall GPA on campus Fall of 2020
Biggest fall rush class of 2020
This semester's first event was a percentage night at Chipotle, where we raised 373 dollars for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. We plan to keep on holding percentage nights throughout the spring. We also hope to be able to host derby days this spring, COVID permitting. We are serving our community this semester by volunteering with local Karm stores. Additionally, we are serving with Thrive, a little brother/ big brother program for local elementary school children.
Special Thanks:
Our colony wants to thank our chapter advisor, Jason Debord!
Words cannot tell you how thankful we are for everything you have done! Not a single colonist would be where we are right now without the help and leadership you bring to the table. You have taught us what it means to be a Sigma Chi and the aspects of a brotherhood. From pushing us to be the best, we can become our best friend; thank you, Jason.
In Hoc,
Sigma Chi Sigma Colony
Spring Rush Class 21

FrontRow Left to Right: Ben Sparkman 24’ Dylan Brown 24’ Jonah Schoenike24’ Stone Weigandt 24’
Jacob Feehan 24’ Parker O’hara 24’ Andrew Belin 24’ Josh Wines 24’
Second Row Left to right: Peyton Putnam 22’ Matthew Walker 23’ Taylor Shannon 24’
Carter Barczak 24’ Gordon McKeehan 24’ Will Parish 22’ Mason Vandiver 24’
Third Row left to right: Anders Mount 24’ Andrew Ellison 24’ John Dalton Drake 24’
Bryson Taylor 24’ Will Albright 24’ James McCord 23’